Saanich Strength Society


About Us

Saanich Strength Society was founded by Alex Loubert as a means to bring health awareness to those who were actively seeking ways to live healthier and stronger lifestyles. Whether you’re just starting out on your fitness journey or you’re a seasoned athlete looking to take your training to the next level, working with a personal trainer can help you achieve your goals faster and more effectively.

Alex standing in a gym with a black tank top on and a backwards hat with the sign reading Saanich Strength Society behind him.
Alex Loubert, CSEP-CPT

Personal Training

With a personalized approach to training, a personal trainer can create a customized fitness plan based on your unique needs and goals, providing you with the guidance, support, and motivation you need to succeed. From improving your strength and endurance to reducing your risk of injury and chronic illness, the benefits of personal training are numerous and can have a lasting impact on your health and wellness.

Mission Statement

Physical fitness is pro-active and preventative healthcare.  What do I mean by this? If there was a pharmaceutical drug that could provide a fraction of lasting, profound health benefits that exercise does, it would be the most popular drug of all time.  Physical fitness is protection against the aging process. It will improve all aspects of your health and will help you feel more vital and extend your health-span.  Personal training will delay and prevent chronic diseases.  It is the closest thing we have to a fountain of youth and it is an investment in your future.  The work you put in now will ensure you are able to do the things you enjoy for longer. 

Woman kneeling on one leg with weights next to her on the floor

Personal Training Services

At Saanich Strength Society we work with you to create individualized programming for your fitness journey. 

If you’re unsure of where to begin, contact us today for an assessment. We’re here to help you feel your best through a series of personal training sessions, fitness education, and health awareness.

Fitness Education

Alleviating Pain

Lengthening Health Spans

Healthier Lifestyle


Don't Take Your Body For Granted

Strength training is more than just your appearance – it’s about feeling healthy and fit, through and through. Together we will achieve your fitness goals.

A woman and a man doing push-ups with weights


Saanich Strength Society works with a variety of clients in various stages of their fitness journey. We’re happy to walk you through step by step and guide you along the process of strength training for a healthier lifestyle. 

Black and white photo of a woman lifting smaller hand-held weights.
Black and white photo of a man lifting a bar with four large weights on it.
Black and white photo of a man lifting a weight outside.
Black and white photo of a woman living a bar with weights on it.
Black and white photo of a woman lifting a bar with weights on it in a gym.
Black and white photo of a woman lifting heavy weights.
Black and white photo of a woman working out on an exercise machine.
